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2DVD = Rp. 40.000,00 

Ada banyak ketidakpastian yang menyelubungi titel terbaru dari Call of Duty saat dirilis. Para gamer tentunya tahu bahwa sejak edisi ketiganya Call of Duty dipegang oleh dua developer silih berganti: Infinity Ward dan Treyarch. Sial bagi Treyarch karena kedua game yang mereka ciptakan Call of Duty 3 dan Call of Duty: World At War dianggap sebagai game yang bagus tetapi tidak bisa menyamai kualitas game-game Call of Duty keluaran Infinity Ward. Saya pribadi belum memainkan Call of Duty 3 tetapi bila disuruh membandingkan antara World At War dengan Modern Warfare maupun Modern Warfare 2 maka memang game garapan Treyarch itu kalah kelas.

Masalah muncul ketika awal tahun ini publisher Activision berseteru dengan Infinity Ward. Buntut dari kekisruhan ini adalah keluarnya Infinity Ward dari Activision dan melompat ke EA. Ini semua membuat para gamer meletakkan harapan pada Treyarch yang tengah dalam tahap penyelesaian game Call of Duty: Black Ops. Para gamer (termasuk saya) menanti-nanti dengan cemas mengenai bisa tidaknya Treyarch melebihi – atau setidaknya menyamai – kualitas dari entri Call of Duty karya Infinity Ward. Nah bisakah Treyarch membuktikan dirinya?

No Details Released
Kamu mengawali game sebagai Alex Mason yang telah tertangkap oleh pihak misterius. Kamu disesah, disiksa, dan dipaksa untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang kamu tidak tahu jawabannya. Dari sini kamu mulai menjalankan misi-misimu secara flashback, dan perlahan membongkar misteri demi misteri mengenai siapa sebenarnya dirimu, siapa yang menangkapmu, apa maksud penahananmu, dan bagaimana memorimu bisa menyelamatkan dunia dari pecahnya perang dunia ketiga.

Menyingkir GI Joe. It's time for Black Ops!
Cara penyampaian cerita melalui flashback bukan metode orisinil dalam sebuah game, tetapi toh ini merupakan cara yang cukup efektif (dan cukup berbeda) dibandingkan dengan entry pada serial Call of Duty sebelumnya. Treyarch mengambil pendekatan cerita yang berbeda dengan dua seri Modern Warfare yang ditangani oleh Infinity Ward. Dalam dua game tersebut kisah dalam game lebih seperti film aksi berbudget raksasa dengan mementingkan style di atas substance. Black Ops – sesuai dengan namanya – lebih berat di sisi intrik politik dan memiliki beberapa twist-twist yang cukup cerdas dalam pergerakan plot campaign-nya. Kalau kalian merasa jalan cerita game ini lebih berbobot itu karena Activision maupun Treyarch tidak mau setengah-setengah. Tidak tanggung-tanggung mereka menyewa David S. Goyer sebagai penulis naskah. Buat gamer yang tidak tahu, Goyer adalah sosok yang menulis cerita film-film blockbuster macam The Dark Knight dan serial TV FlashForward.

The Dark Side of the 60s
Mengingat ini adalah Call of Duty pertama yang bersetting di masa Perang Dingin maka jelas bahwa ada banyak sekali lokasi baru yang bakalan dijelajahi oleh gamer. Misi pertama saja sudah membawamu di Kuba dengan tujuan membunuh sang calon diktator Fidel Castro. Memori demi memori yang kamu ingat membawamu ke berbagai lokasi eksotik seperti Vietnam, Laos, bahkan daerah Kowloon di Hong Kong. Oleh karena itu game ini tidak pernah terasa membosankan dengan menawarkan lokasi yang berbeda-beda. Di satu level kita berpetualang di tengah rawa-rawa menghabisi para Vietcong dan di level lain kita berlompatan dari genteng-genteng di rumah-rumah Kowloon menghindari serangan musuh.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Di luar areanya sebenarnya Black Ops tidak menawarkan sesuatu yang baru. Kalian-kalian yang sudah familiar dengan tipe game FPS macam ini bakalan langsung memegang memainkannya tanpa kesulitan. Tembak semua musuh yang bergerak, pindah menuju ke area baru, siap-siap mengikuti jalan cerita, dan tembak lagi semua musuh yang ada di layar. Toh gameplay sederhana ini diikuti oleh AI musuh yang makin cerdas. Walau hanya pada level Reguler saja saya berulang kali mati kalau bertindak terlalu ceroboh. Musuh tanpa ampun akan memberondongi dengan timah panas jadi jangan harap bisa beraksi bak Rambo di sini. Tentu saja Black Ops juga memberi tambahan-tambahan baru (tapi kecil) yang mungkin bakalan disukai para gamer; salah satu yang paling berkesan buatku adalah mengendalikan helikopter. Kalau biasa di game sebelumnya saya yang di tanah dan dibantu helikopter kini saya yang di atas membantu rekan-rekan saya di bawah!

Kalau mau disebut kekurangan dari Black Ops ada pada set piece actionnya yang biasa saja. Game ini juga tidak memiliki faktor pengejut sebagaimana dua game Modern Warfare. Para gamer ingat tidak kejatuhan nuklir di Modern Warfare? Pembantaian Airport Modern Warfare 2? Naik motor salju di stage 2 Modern Warfare 2? Adegan-adegan keren seperti itu bagi saya tidak termaksimalkan di game ini. Beberapa memang mencengangkan – apalagi karena Black Ops memiliki kualitas grafis amat sangat mumpuni – tetapi ketika stage tersebut sudah rampung saya pun tak lagi ingat mengenainya. Mode Campaign dalam game ini sendiri cukup panjang dan memakan waktu sekitar 6 – 8 jam untuk ditamatkan, tergantung dari keahlianmu. Play Time utama game ini sendiri tentunya terletak pada opsi Multiplayernya, walaupun mode Zombie bisa coba kamu mainkan sebagai epilog tambahan game ini (mode ini hanya untuk fun, coba perhatikan kata-kata John F. Kennedy yang kocak dan pidatonya dipelintir-pelintir!).

Visually Stunning!
Luar biasa. Kualitas audio visual dalam game Black Ops membuat saya terperangah ketika memainkannya. Psstt… buat kalian yang main di komputer:  game ini cukup berat untuk dimainkan kalau graphic card kalian pas-pasan. Buktikan sendiri keindahan game ini ketika kamu tengah mengudara dan melihat hutan sungai Vietnam yang terbentang. Atau ketika kamu tengah mengendap-endap di dalam semak-semak saat di Kuba.
Untuk musiknya, Black Ops ditangani sepenuhnya oleh Sean Murray yang juga bertanggung jawab atas musik Call of Duty: World At War. Kalau boleh jujur saya masih lebih suka musik garapan Hans Zimmer dan Lorna Balfey di Modern Warfare 2; terutama saat scene pengakhiran yang terasa megah dan heroik. Musik Murray sendiri tidak jelek tetapi entah kenapa suka tidak sinkron dengan situasi di gamenya, salah satu kesalahan terfatalnya adalah musik saat even akhir game yang benar-benar kurang greget.

Kill the Vietcongs!
Untungnya segi audio game ini masih terselamatkan para pengisi suara di dalamnya. Kebanyakan pengisi suara di sini adalah nama-nama jempolan seperti: Sam Worthington, Gary Oldman, Ed Harris, Ice Cube, Topher Grace, Emmanuelle Chriqui, dan banyak lagi. Mereka adalah aktor-aktor unggulan yang mampu menghidupkan karakter mereka dengan baik. Acungan jempol terutama untuk Gary Oldman yang mampu menghidupkan ulang karakter Reznov yang juga ia perankan di World At War.

So my verdict is… kalau kamu penggemar FPS tunggu apa lagi? Call of Duty: Black Ops mengenyahkan rasa khawatir dalam diriku akan masa depan franchise ini. Selama Treyarch bisa mengeluarkan game bermutu seperti ini, ia takkan dianggap developer kelas dua di belakang Infinity Ward lagi!

Final Verdict
Gameplay: 9.0
Kontrol yang solid dipenuhi dengan pertarungan seru dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya. Dan semuanya pun didukung dengan cerita penuh intrik dan misteri.
Graphic / Sound: 9.0
Satu-satunya kekurangan game ini adalah mereka tidak menyewa komposer yang lebih bonafit untuk menangani scene-scene cinematic game ini. Kenapa tidak? Metal Gear Solid memakai jasa Harry Gregson-Williams dan Call of Duty sendiri menggunakan bantuan Hans Zimmer!
Play Time: 10
Ini tergantung punya tidaknya kamu saluran internet untuk bermain multiplayer. Tanpa Multiplayer kamu hanya punya mode Campaign dan Zombie dan keduanya memiliki waktu permainan yang cukup signifikan. Saya pribadi menamatkan game ini dalam waktu 7 jam.
Overall: 9.3

Game Details
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Action / FPS

sumber : http://tukangreview.com/2010/11/30/call-of-duty-black-ops/

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2dvd : Rp. 40.000,00 

Hari ini EA mengeluarkan sebuah pengumuman baru. Bagi para gamer yang memutuskan untuk membeli Medal of Honor versi limited edition, maka nantinya akan mendapatkan akses ke beberapa senjata eksklusif dalam game ini. Senjata tersebut adalah senjata MP7. Selain itu, gamer juga akan mendapatkan akses lebih awal terhadap TOZ-194 dan shotgun 870MC2, dimana senjata ini hanya bisa didapatkan saat kamu sudah memiliki peringkat yang cukup tinggi.

Versi Limited edition tersebut sekarang ini sedang dijadwalkan akan dikeluarkan pada saat yang bersamaan dengan versi standar di Xbox360, PS3 dan PC. Game tersebut akan dirilis pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2010. Selain itu, perlu diketahui juga bahwa dalam versi Limited edition untuk PS3 tersebut, kamu juga akan mendapatkan versi remastered dari Medal of Honor Frontline. Semuanya ini berkat adanya perjanjian antara Sony dengan EA yang telah diumumkan sebelumnya di acara E3 2010 kemarin.

"Akses untuk senjata seperti MP7 akan memungkinkan gamer untuk merasakan sendiri peralatan yang dikembangkan oleh Special Operations Community," kata Greg Goodrich, Executive Producer dari Medal of Honor. "Dengan beratnya yang tergolong ringan, kecepatan menembak yang tinggi dan kemampuan senjata tersebut untuk menembus armor yang dikenakan, senjata MP7 ini mirip seperti pistol biasa, tapi memiliki kekuatan yang setara dengan sebuah senjata rifle."

Yang menariknya lagi, paket limited edition tersebut memiliki harga yang sama dengan versi normalnya. Perbedaannya hanya terletak pada paketnya serta beberapa senjata yang telah kami jelaskan diatas. Jikalau memang benar seperti itu, lalu apa gunanya merilis versi normal edition? (KotakGame)

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2 DVD : Rp. 40.000,00
Gak mungkin para gamer gak kenal dengan game yang bergenre life simulation yang satu ini. Yup, The Sims. Game yang bertemakan simulasi dari kehidupan nyata manusia ini sudah terkenal di kalangan gamer dari versi lamanya The Sims hingga The Sims 3. Yang uniknya dari game The Sims ini adalah keunikan dari setiap patch yang keluar untuk masing-masing versi. Baik untuk The Sims, The Sims 2 maupun The Sims 3. Contohnya saja The Sims: Makin' Magic, The Sims 2 University, dan yang terbaru adalah The Sims 3 World Adventures. Nah kali ini blog ini akan mengulas tentang preview The Sims 3: World Adventures secara singkat.
The Sims 3: World Adventures adalah expansion pack pertama dari The Sims 3. Sedikit berbeda dibandingkan expansion pada seri The Sims sebelumnya, World Adventures akan menghadirkan gaya petualangan. Namun, preview kali ini tak akan membahas petualangan tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa tambahan untuk The Sims 3: World Adventures di luar fitur bertualang di negeri orang.

Berpetualang ke negara-negara terkenal. Expansion Pack yang satu ini membuat pemain The Sims 3 akan berpetualang layaknya Indiana Jones ke negara- negara yang terkenal dan mempelajari kebudayaannya contohnya: Cina, Mesir, dan Prancis.
Masuk ke dalam toko. Akhirnya, pemain The Sims 3 tak perlu lagi menyaksikan Sims-nya lenyap ke dalam gedung -- seperti saat masuk toko buku, supermarket atau restoran. Bagian dalam toko akan bisa dijelajahi dan, tentunya, pemain bisa membuat toko mereka sendiri. Berbeda dengan versi The Sims 3 yang sebelumnya bahwa pemain akan menghilang jika memasuki gedung atau bangunan.
Berkemah. Expansion pack ini akan memperkenalkan objek baru berupa tenda. Bisa dipasang di wilayah publik mana pun, tenda ini berguna untuk istirahat saat sedang bertamasya di luar rumah.
Skill baru. Akan ada skill baru yang diperkenalkan dalam expansion World Adventures. Termasuk skill Discipline, yang akan membantu dalam mempelajari seni bela diri.
Sifat petualang. Salah satu sifat baru yang akan diperkenalkan dalam World Adventures adalah Adventurous yang akan membantu dalam petualangan di negeri asing.
Sifat Photographer's Eye. Jika sebelumnya sudah ada sifat Green Thumb yang memberi kemampuan ekstra untuk berkebun, dalam World Adventures akan ada sifat Photographer's Eyes yang akan membantu dalam kegiatan memotret.
Menikahi orang asing. Dalam petualangannya, Sims bisa jatuh cinta dengan orang asing dan menikahinya. Jika itu terjadi, dan keduanya punya anak, maka anak itu bisa mewarisi budaya luar seperti 'makan dengan sumpit'.
Koleksi Fotografi. Jepretan kamera dalam World Adventures akan lebih bermakna dengan kemampuan game itu memilah jenis foto yang diambil. Tentunya ada bonus khusus, misalnya jika memotret Death Fish dan Life Fish dalam satu akuarium.
Selain itu, tentunya masih akan ada banyak tambahan lain. Termasuk furnitur maupun benda-benda baru yang tadinya tidak ada di dunia The Sims 3. Serta kendaraan atau segala macam transport yang akan membantu kalian dalam berpetualang nantinya. Dan para pemain The Sims 3 ini harus bersabar untuk menunggu expansion pack yang selanjutnya yaitu The Sims 3: Ambitions yang bakal dirilis nantinya.

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NBA 2k11

 NBA 2K11
2DVD : Rp. 40.000,00 (Bonus Video tutorial PES 2011)

It's fitting that NBA 2K11 prominently features Michael Jordan. After all, His Airness is the greatest basketball player of all time and NBA 2K11 has the greatest feature set of any basketball game ever made. Note that I didn't call this the best basketball game of all time. That's because the PC version wasn't optimized and, frankly, runs poorly marring what should be basketball perfection.

The amount of work put into the features of 2K11 is staggering -- perfect recreations of Jordan's historic games, streamlined controls, NBA teams that play and feel like their real-life counterparts, a franchise mode that includes sensible GM logic and intelligent team building. But little time was spent making sure the PC version ran smoothly. And no matter how cool your presentation and feature set, if the framerate isn't solid, it's tough to keep playing.

I tried out 2K11 on both a mid-range and a high-range PC set-up, used both the auto-adjusted settings and lower ones and never got a completely smooth experience. To be clear, the framerate stuttering isn't usually inhibitive to gameplay. It's very subtle, but enough to be continually distracting. It's too bad, because PC gamers could stand to have an awesome hoops title.

When you first start NBA 2K11, you get a slick visual treat hyping the greatness of Michael Jordan. And then the game transports you into the tunnel of Chicago Stadium for Game 1 of the 1991 NBA Championship. Jordan turns to look into the camera, right at you, and asks, "Are you ready?" Then he turns, runs out onto the court and the magic of NBA 2K11 begins. Before you ever see a menu, ever create a franchise, ever even get a whiff of all that 2K11 has to offer, you're playing in the finals with the Bulls, battling Magic Johnson and ushering in a new era in NBA history.

Unquestionably, the highlight of NBA 2K11 are the Jordan Challenges. MJ's greatest games are legendary and you get to relive them, tasked with equaling his stat lines. Can you average 11 assists in the '91 series against the Lakers? Or drop six treys and score at least 35 points in the first half against Drexler and the Trail Blazers to earn the famous Jordan shrug? Or light up the Knicks for 55 points in Jordan's return from retirement?

2K Sports created each of these 10 memorable moments with a surprising level of detail. The commentary for every game is custom-fitted with discussions on Jordan's potential in "The Arrival" game and talk of how much John Starks has frustrated Jordan in the "Double Nickel" game in Madison Square Garden. Each game is a window into NBA history and won't just give you an appreciation for No. 23's greatness but the quality of teams he went up against. Magic, Ewing, Dominque -- they play as they did in their prime. No opponent is a chump, even if Michael is destined to beat them all.

Complete all 10 Jordan Challenges and you can play a special version of the My Player career mode, bringing a rookie Michael Jordan into the current League to develop his talent and see how he stacks up against today's greats. Put him on the Heat if you want to be really unfair to the rest of the League.

The quality presentation continues outside of the Jordan-specific elements. There's a slick half-time show that accurately sums up the game and a really hot Player of the Game presentation when the final buzzer sounds. My favorite, though, is a fairly hidden (but awesome) feature you can find at the end of games called Pressbook. This is a slideshow gallery of photos (usually around 50) from the game. These snapshots often pick the best moments at compelling angles and can be uploaded for others to see. Posterize someone online? You've got a snapshot of it waiting for you at the end of the game.

Jordan in the Flu Game.
More importantly, most of the NBA has been accurately captured. There are hundreds of unique animations for players tons of nice little touches. I was playing against the Lakers, and Kobe threw down a slam but landed off-balance. As he regained his balance, he extended his arms and did his little airplane move he throws out on very rare occasions. I watched Greg Oden shuffle down the court like an old man who'd lost his cane. I'm not trying to knock on Oden, but that's exactly how he checks out of plays when he's crashed the boards on the other end!

This isn't the first hoops game to throw in some flair on marquee players, but the unique traits extend to the bench. I know we toss around the phrase, "It looks like a real game" too often, but this time I mean it -- I watch probably a hundred NBA regular-season games a year (I'm hardcore, baby), and 2K Sports got this right.

Sure, there are a few mishaps along the way. Don Nelson looks like a melted marshmallow and Kobe looks like an alien, but the good far outpaces the bad. Add to the mix dynamic crowds that slowly fill in during the first quarter or don't even show for a Bobcat's game and you have the most accurate portrait of the NBA to date. And that 2K Sports got not only the current era but a decade's worth of MJ's history right is pretty impressive.

Of course, none of this means squat if NBA 2K11 plays like crap. Presentation and a cool Jordan mode didn't absorb all of 2K Sports' time. Plenty was done to refine and improve the gameplay. I have to imagine the goal was to fool you into thinking you were actually playing in the NBA. Mission accomplished.

If you've played past NBA 2K games, you're in for a shock when you first play NBA 2K11. This game is no joke. The AI has been upgraded even on the lower difficulties to keep you on your toes. These guys are ball hawks and will snatch errant outlet passes, clog the passing lanes, and make it tough to get the ball inside. And if your defense isn't solid? You're gonna get destroyed.

Doing what he does best -- marrying hot actresses.
Some of this is a bit artificial. Unless I missed it in the Hornets' media guide, Peja Stojakovic is not psychic. So it's probably impossible for him to have his back to a passer, running full speed across midcourt and know instinctively to stick out his arm and grab a well-thrown outlet pass -- and yet he can in 2K11. If there's anything that frustrates me about 2K11, it is these few little moments when the game is clearly overcompensating for the way people want to play. Yes, people throw long passes. But, you know what? So do some fastbreak teams. Denying that part of the game, making it too easy to snatch balls going through the lane, breaks the beautifully crafted realism of 2K11. It's cheap, and it makes the game harder than it should be.

That said, once I got myself in the mindset of playing a bit less up-tempo and a bit more under control, the rest of the NBA 2K11 experience is something special. The level of challenge (which extends far beyond pass-snatching defenses) is necessary in order for NBA 2K11 to pull off its greatest feat -- making a game play exactly like the real thing. Players make proper defensive switches, key on mismatches on offense, and generally bring it all four quarters.

Switching (when two defensive players swap who they're guarding to gain better defensive positioning) has long been the Achilles heel of basketball sims. No one has done it right (most don't do it at all), but 2K11 does. And if you aren't active with this when you're controlling the defense, you can get burned. The AI takes advantage of defensive mismatches with regularity. When Steph Curry accidentally ends up face guarding Dwight Howard, it's a scary moment as a player. I actually said, "Oh s---" right before Howard plowed over me for the dunk, the foul and the Pressbook screenshot.

Playing against the Lakers feels different than playing against the Mavericks, not just because of the personnel, but because of the way these two teams play. Because of their coaches. Because of the way they sub and how they set up their offenses. Last year's NBA 2K10 did a solid job of getting the individual players right. This year, 2K11 got the teams right.

Also improved are the control mechanics. There have been a ton of tweaks and a simplification of things like IsoMotion -- for breaking ankles -- but the basic gist is that you now have 1-to-1 control over every movement and you won't find yourself making moves you didn't intend to make. The days of easily shaking a defender out of his shoes and dunking on every play are gone, but the level of control is outstanding. And most of the time, when I screw up, it's because I made the wrong choice, not because the game boned me.

The one exception is the stick passing mechanic. Selecting a target and passing, works well, but it's a bit loose. Sometimes I think I'm aimed at the player I want and then, because of the slight movement of my thumb against the stick, I veer off and throw the pass to someone else. When you mix in the ridiculous ball-hawking nature of the AI, well, I got hosed a few times. Fortunately, you can also use icon-passing for better accuracy, which helps a lot when using the easy (and great) play-calling system.

I'll also warn that there are still a few bugs out there and times when the AI will do weird things, but these are pretty rare. Dominique caught a pass at the arc, then took two steps back and shot one of the dumbest three's in history for no apparent reason. On a fast break, Tony Parker stopped at the foul line to shoot a jumper (that he missed) even though no one pursued him past mid-court. NBA 2K11 plays like a dream 99 percent of the time. But there's still that 1 percent when things go sideways.

This "real NBA" feel carries over into the other modes. The Association mode has a stylish new look and, more importantly, working trade AI. The virtual GMs build teams based on their coach's style and are smart enough not to trade their best player for some scrub. The Heat won't trade D Wade just because you throw some draft picks and some random talent their way. But the Trail Blazers will gladly give up Oden or a pick if you can offer them a player they feel is the missing piece that can make them true contenders. Three team trades are in and free agents have different motivations for signing -- so you can't just throw money at everyone and expect to earn their John Hancock.

I've gone through a few different seasons with different teams and tested the smarts of a number of GMs. I have to say, I got swindled once on a draft-day deal by the AI. Usually in NBA 2K games, the League looks like a joke by year three, but not this time. No team had five starting point guards. The Nets didn't suddenly win the Championship and the Heat didn't trade LeBron to Minnesota for Wesley Johnson, Michael Beasley, and the rights to Paul Bunyan. This is as good a franchise mode as I've played, even though there's little recognition by the commentators to previous NBA champs or MVP winners as the years go by.

On the surface, the online functionality is similar to last year, with leagues available as well as the ability to create "crews" to play with online. The important things is that online play has been improved over last year's version, which had some serious performance issues. In the games I played, things ran smoothly, though it's hard to say what will happen once NBA 2K11 is out with the masses and there are thousands on 2K's servers at once. We'll update you on the status of online play and how the Leagues are shaping up a week after NBA 2K11 has been in the wild.

And lastly, there's My Player. And I say lastly because it's really the only mode that isn't up to snuff. There have been a number of improvements this year, including tracking of fan support for your created player, but there's a lot of work to be done to make My Player great. It takes far too long to get your player to the NBA and even longer still to get him some decent skills. I want to play as a young stud in the NBA, not as a desperate D-Leaguer hoping for a shot. The path should not be getting to the NBA, but where I take my career from there.

I doubt many will bother to stick it out with the slow-paced My Player mode. It's too bad, because once you do make it, a lot of cool things happen. You get press conferences where reporters ask valid questions like "How do you feel about Kobe taking the last shot?" or asking you to comment on rumors that you demanded a trade. You choose the type of response you want to give and that affects how your teammates feel about you, how the fans around the League view you, and if your home crowd supports you. This can lead to teammates refusing to pass you the ball if you're a jerk and fans chanting "Trade him!" if you seem ungrateful.

As your star rises, you earn spots on posters and billboards. You can even be handed a shoe contract by Michael Jordan who allows you to create your own custom kicks. Continue to rise as a star and you'll see other players wearing your Jordans on the court. And to think, you'll probably miss it because the lead-in to the NBA is just so slow, dry, and boring.
Closing Comments
NBA 2K11 is a love letter to basketball fans. If you don't follow hoops, a lot of the subtleties will be lost on you. And if you are looking for a loose, fun, crazy dunkfest experience like NBA Jam, you're going to get hosed. But if you are serious about basketball, this will fill a long-standing void in your hoops-loving heart. This is the NBA. No one else has come close to representing it in such great and accurate detail as this.
Honestly, the stuff with Michael Jordan is reason enough to pick up NBA 2K11. The fact that 2K Sports did so much more with this game and improved it so greatly over last year's title is stunning. This isn't just the best basketball game ever; it's the best sports game of this generation.

Unparalleled recreation of the NBA. The Jordan Challenges bring historic moments to life with incredible detail. Pure awesome.
Great animations, it runs smoothly in every mode, and many of the player faces look solid. A definite ding for botching Kobe and a few other stars.
The custom commentary for the Jordan games is fantastic. Even regular season games are solid, though there's some repetitive dialogue. The soundtrack is sweet.
Just about nailed it perfectly. A few bugs and AI blips, plus an overly aggressive defense are the only issues.
10Lasting Appeal
The Jordan stuff could be a game in itself. Then you get an awesome franchise mode, the slow, but rewarding My Player mode and solid online play.

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1 DVD : Rp. 20.000.00 (Bonus The Punisher + Playboy the mansion)
The popular children's series of books "A Series of Unfortunate Events", is coming to the theater soon in the form of a movie based on the first few in the series, and Activision, in partnership with DreamWorks, Paramount and Nickelodeon, has published a game based on the movie for the Xbox, PS2, GameCube, GBA and PC, all of which have been developed by Amaze Entertainment. The console versions are pretty similar across the board (not sure about the GBA version), but the PC version is a little different in terms of gameplay, even though the story elements are the same.
Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events is based on the first books in the series, so players will follow the early travails of the Baudelaire children, Klaus, Violet and Sunny. After becoming orphans due to the tragic death of their parents in a fire, the children are sent to live with their Uncle Olaf, who has nefarious designs on their fortune. He is a very eccentric actor who lives in a run-down Victorian mansion in England, along with some equally strange house-guests. Like many good children's books, all is not well in the children's world, and sad things keep happening to them. These books treat these events with a decided tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, which is very effective. Unfortunately, this delightful irreverence just doesn't come across very well in the PC version of the game, despite the occasional narrator remarks that draw on this same type of dry, witty humor that is found in the books, on the lines of these editorial comments from the author Lemony Snicket, "I'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely unpleasant. It tells an unhappy tale about three very unlucky children. Even though they are charming and clever, the Baudelaire siblings lead lives filled with misery and woe. "
Screen Shot for Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
In the computer game, the three children must complete various tasks based on situations and localities from the book and movie. These are presented as a mixture of action and adventure elements, with most of the emphasis on the adventure mode. Mostly, the Baudelaires will have to collect a list of items for each task, and can also collect health powerups, possible weapon projectiles, poster awards and letter tiles. Sometimes, they have to deflect various hazards, either in the form of Olaf's friends and henchmen or an unpleasant type of creature, by shooting them with projectiles from one of Violet's inventions.
Klaus, Violet and Sunny each have different abilities that at first appear to affect the gameplay, but in reality they all pretty much play the same. Each character will hunt for the items on the list, by searching rooms, and walking and jumping across slightly treacherous ledges and boxes. The only difference is that Violet makes inventions and Sunny can bite things with her teeth, but this doesn't affect the gameplay; Violet's invention skills are only demonstrated in cut scenes when all the items she wants are found, and Sunny's biting method has basically the same effect as the others using their weapons to smash things open. Klaus and Violet both use the same weapons and collect things the exact same way. The console versions feature Sunny in 2D simple platform levels, but that is apparently not the case with the PC version, at least not in any of her levels that we have played so far.
The appearance of the game is an exact replica of the movie and the books and has captured the whimsy effectively. The house and other environments have been painstakingly detailed to match in every way that counts, which makes for a slightly creepy and mysterious atmosphere. All of the characters, good and bad, are exactly like the ones in the movie, and what we would expect them to look like from the book. The voices are also all the ones from the movie, which adds to the pleasure.
Screen Shot for Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
The game control is quite difficult. Players have to use the keyboard directional keys for movement and jumping, and the mouse for actions like picking up things and shooting things. While the platforms are simple in design, they're made much harder than they should be by the awkwardness of the utilization of the keyboard, which has the characters moving in jerky diagonal movements with each directional change, instead of a smoother, more "curvy" method of traveling that might have been possible playing with a gamepad's directional stick (there didn't appear to be an option for a gamepad, but this review copy didn't come with a manual; however, we couldn't get our gamepad to work with the game).
A strange design in the control is the method used for finding "hotspots". Players can click the mouse on interesting items, which elicits an "eye" icon, but this icon is tied to the camera viewpoint of the character, a couple of inches above his or her head. This may have seemed like a great idea to the designers, but the execution is less than desirable. Oftentimes, the character's head is in the way of the object, and players have to keep maneuvering the character back and forth and around to get the "eye" icon centered on the item. Also, doors are a big problem for the characters, which often open right on top of the character, who then has to be walked around the door to get through. Cabinet doors are another problem, as the "eye" icon has to be used to open them, but then the viewpoint often doesn't allow a good view into the opening, which again usually means the character has to be moved so players can see into the space.
Screen Shot for Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
While there are many good features about this game, mostly to do with the appearance and quality of the animation and graphics, plus the amusing, occasional asides from the narrator, the gameplay itself is less than a pleasant experience. Even aside from the control problems, the game just isn't very engaging. As an adventure game, it quickly becomes old collecting endless lists of items, and there is no dialogue with other characters, or even any comments from them as they look at things, unlike other children's adventure games such as Pajama Sam or Nancy Drew. As an action game, the action is very simple and spaced out; there's no excitement as is found in Shrek 2, SpongeBob Squarepants: The Battle for Bikini Bottom, or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which is the most similar to this game, probably because it was developed by the same company (KnowWonder, a division of Amaze Entertainment), but is a much more fun game.
While this isn't a bad game, neither is it a very good one. For children who want to relive the world of Lemony Snicket, I would recommend getting one of the console versions, rather than the PC one, they look much more fun.
Reviewer's Scoring Details

Gameplay: 6
This game just isn't very interesting. Collecting endless items for a list becomes old after awhile, and there isn't enough other things to do to keep it interesting. The control system also makes playing more difficult and frustrating than it should be.
Graphics: 8
The look of the game is the best feature, and the designers captured the world of the Baudelaires splendidly in a strictly visual manner.
Sound: 7.5
The orchestral background music fits the mood well. Other than the music, there's not much going on in ambient sound.
Difficulty: Easy
The difficulty level is fairly easy, even with the control problems. There is a slight learning curve at the beginning, due to a lack of clear, repeatable in-game instructions. This copy of the game was a review copy and didn't come with a manual; hopefully the retail product will have a detailed manual.
Concept: 7
A simple action adventure game, there's nothing really new here, or anything done exceptionally well.
Overall: 6.5
This is a mostly mediocre game, and players are probably better off checking out the console versions, which look like they offer more variety of gameplay elements and a better control system.

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1 DVD : Rp. 20.000,00 (Bonus games Playboy the mansion)
Though many games today take elements from existing titles and try to put their own spin on them, this form of imitation isn't always a bad thing. There's something to be said for honing a concept. But the possibility that the new twist on an old formula won't actually improve the overall product certainly exists. The Punisher, a long-running Marvel Comics franchise about a vigilante trying to save the world from being overrun by scumbags, is no stranger to this concept. Back in 1993, the character appeared in an arcade game from Capcom that basically started with Final Fight as a template, and then dropped in The Punisher, Nick Fury, and so on. It wasn't so great. Now, THQ and Volition have delivered a new game with The Punisher name. While it attempts to put its own spin on the third-person shooter genre by adding sometimes-gruesome interrogation sequences, this game is, more or less, Max Payne without the bullet time.
Well, perhaps "without the bullet time" isn't entirely accurate. The Punisher can go into "slaughter mode," which slows the game down a bit. Slaughter mode is slightly unique in that, while in it, you'll regain some of your health and drop your guns in favor of a never-ending supply of knives that you can throw into the faces of enemies with stunning accuracy. The other twist to The Punisher is that you can grab any enemy for use as a human shield. Though doing this slows down your movement so much that it's only occasionally useful, once you've grabbed an enemy, you can choose to interrogate him. This brings up a little tension minigame, in which you have to work the mouse just right to keep a line in the proper section of a meter for three seconds. Once you do this, the perp will crack and tell you what he knows, and you'll get a little health boost for your trouble. Most enemies know next to nothing, and interrogating the average bad guy will get you one of only a few phrases per level. But some enemies yield more-interesting results, and these guys are clearly marked with a skull over their head, so you'll know to deal with them dead last.
The Punisher's family was wasted by the mob, and he's out for revenge. Unless you're already a fan of the character, that's all you really have to go on at the outset of the game. The story is told via a series of flashbacks. It seems that Frank Castle's finally been caught at the end of a three-week spree of crime fighting, though the NYPD sees his vigilante tactics in a slightly different light. The game opens with The Punisher being interrogated by the authorities in a little room on Ryker's Island (not to be confused with Rikers Island, the real-life prison). They talk him through the last three weeks, fading out to gameplay at certain points. You start out merely taking on the mob, which happens to be running a crack house and a chop shop in your neighborhood. Eventually, murdering your way up the mob's chain of command leads you to a much bigger terrorist plot. Players will find somewhere between 10 and 15 hours of action here the first time through, with the variance in time largely decided by your skill at getting headshots. The game gives you medals based on your performance, and you can choose to reenter levels with specific challenges to complete, though these additions don't really provide enough reason to go back to the game after completing it.
You do most of your killing with a variety of firearms. You'll begin with only a pair of pistols, but your arsenal grows quickly. You'll have a handy array of assault rifles, submachine guns, and pistols, as well as some more-specialized weaponry, like a rocket launcher, a flamethrower, and grenades. While some weapons certainly have their place--there are a few spots that are much easier if you're toting a sniper rifle--the minute-to-minute fighting that you'll spend most of the game engaged in doesn't require a lot of firepower as much as it requires a steady hand. You can zoom in with most weapons for more-refined aiming, and headshots are most definitely the order of the day. With the game's fairly boneheaded artificial intelligence constantly standing still, or, even better, taking cover behind benches and other items that leave most of their body exposed, most players shouldn't have much trouble when it comes to ringing up headshots.
Even if you don't seem to be able to nail enemies in their heads, the game makes killing them startlingly easy. The Punisher is supposed to be a superhero of sorts, so it's not too far-fetched that most bullets barely take anything off your life bar, but it's so minimal that you can cruise through most of the game by running up to each enemy and pressing the "quick kill" button, which rolls out a brief animation of the enemy in question being shot, being stabbed, or having his neck broken. Sure, you'll take a few shots while you run up to each foe, but since you can just interrogate a couple of guys to get that health back, you're rarely in need of health on the game's normal difficulty setting. The hard setting, as you might expect, limits your ability to do this a bit. 

The Punisher's action is very standard, fitting right into the third-person shooter genre. The only thing that really sets it apart, in terms of gameplay, is that it has a number of specific kill animations. You have a handful of quick-kill moves and four different standard methods of interrogation. These don't change throughout the game, and they get repetitive very quickly. In an effort to change things up, some spots in the levels can be used for special interrogations. These spots are clearly marked, and usually involve you using a piece of the environment to loosen a foe's lips. Many of these simply have you dangling your enemy over a ledge, but there are some unique ones, like slamming an enemy's head in the door of a jeep, threatening to stick a guy's head into a ceiling fan, shocking a man with an exposed electrical wire, and so on.

It's nice that the game offers these, but the payoff for actually going through with the plan and killing your subject is really underwhelming. The game's rated M, but for some reason the camera quickly zooms out from the action when you decide to finish an enemy off in a special interrogation sequence. It also changes to black and white, almost as if the game doesn't want to show you such a bloody finale without heavily filtering. Yet, after the fact, it doesn't have a problem showing you a dead body that happens to be missing its head, for example. And many cutscenes are filled with dripping blood. Whether the black-and-white effect was a stylistic choice or one aimed to censor some of the game's gorier scenes isn't so important. Either way, it takes away from the impact of these sequences.
The Punisher is a good-looking game, but with some better texture work, it could have looked much better. You'll encounter some awfully blurry-looking textures here and there that make the environments look a little bland. At least the game is pretty good about giving you a variety of environments--many sequences take place in fairly tight indoor settings, but you'll find some larger outdoor arenas as well. While the environments may be varied, there really isn't much to do in them beyond running around with your guns blazing. The extent of your environmental interaction, beyond the special interrogations, consists of being able to shoot bottles off a bar. Yet you can pump bullet after bullet into a television set without breaking it. This makes the game's locales feel flat and stale. Also, the game's camera isn't really up to the task of presenting the action when you're in tight corridors. One level in particular puts you on a ship, and the tight corridors and small rooms make it nearly impossible to see what's going on around you. The one standout part of The Punisher's graphics is its selection of character models. The standard troops look good, and The Punisher himself looks really great, with similar levels of detail going into the models for many of the story's other major characters and bosses. While the PC version is definitely the best-looking of the three available versions, the interrogations are much easier to do with an analog controller in the console versions than with the mouse.

Good in-game sound in a shooter generally comes down to having gunfire that sounds appropriately tough. The Punisher doesn't do this especially well. While your gunfire sounds at least passable, enemy fire is quiet at times and doesn't seem to always be positioned correctly. As an example, in one sequence you're raiding an island, and there's a man positioned behind a turret, firing off rounds in your direction. While you'll see tracer fire heading your way, and you'll even have a clear view of the turret, you won't actually be able to hear the gun firing until you get much closer to its position. The sound in the cutscenes is also poorly mixed. Voices usually come through loud and clear, but the rest of the action sounds awfully flat. Certain actions, like a man slamming his hands down on a table, don't make any sound at all. The game has a great deal of voice acting in it, though most of it is a little flat.
The Punisher tries to break out of the third-person shooter blueprint by offering sometimes-gory interrogation sequences, but these portions don't do enough to change what is otherwise a very by-the-numbers action game. If you're fan of the character, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of running around and torturing enemies, but the lack of variety here causes this portion of the game to wear thin fast. Beyond that, you're better off looking elsewhere for your third-person action needs.

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2DVD : Rp. 40.000,00 (bonus update jadi world adventures)
Franchise The Sims kembali menunjukkan dominasinya dan mengokohkan diri sebagai game simulasi reality terbaik yang pernah ada dalam sejarah game PC dengan menelurkan expansions pack terbarunya bagi game Sims seri terbaru mereka yang bertajuk The Sims 3: Ambition. Dalam expansions pack tersebut diberikan beberapa tambahan yang sangat menarik untuk dimainkan dan memberikan pengalaman yang sangat berbeda yaitu penambahan karir, keinginan, dan tujuan hidup baru bagi para sims yang tentunya menyuguhkan warna baru dari game tersebut.

Kehidupan sims yang dimainkan dimulai setelah proses pembuatan sims seperti yang kalian inginkan, dimana pada saat itu juga kita bisa memilih bentuk dan rupa sims, karakter/sifat dan pekerjaan yang menjadi tujuan hidupnya seperti menjadi musisi atau koki bahkan menjadi ilmuwan gila sekalipun, memilih kota dan rumah dimana sims kita akan bernaung kemudian menggerakkan kehidupan mereka 24 jam seperti apa yang diinginkan yang tentu saja untuk dapat membuat sims tersebut dapat memenuhi setiap ambisinya dalam pekerjaan, pertemanan, cinta, keluarga, membayar tagihan dan lain sebagainya sebelum sims tutup usia.

Dalam expansions pack terbarunya yaitu Ambition, game the sims 3 memberikan penambahan karir lebih banyak yang bisa dipilih, seperti memilih sebuah pekerjaan atau memilih sebuah profesi. Beberapa profesi baru yang bisa dipilih adalah seperti menjadi Detektif Swasta (Private Investigator), Stylist, Pemadam Kebakaran (Firefighter), Arsitek (Architectural Designer) dan Pemburu Hantu (Ghost Hunter). Setiap profesi tersebut akan menghadirkan sesuatu yang berbeda dan lebih aktraktif saat sims kita sedang menjalankannya seperti backsound, bertemu dengan karakter-karakter aneh dan pekerjaan yang menuntut kelihaian kita memilih sesuatu yang baru. Berikut bahasan singkat dari beberapa profesi diatas,

Private Investigator

Tipe pekerjaan yang satu ini tidak terikat waktu atau lokasi bekerja menjadikan kita bebas mengendalikan sims tanpa harus menunggunya selesai bekerja. Menjadi detektif swasta memerlukan dedikasi tinggi dan kerja keras untuk mengungkap suatu misteri, tidak menyusuri secara baik penyelesaian kasus tersebut berakibat kegagalan. Tapi jangan harap menjadi detektif swasta dalam game ini menemukan kasus pembunuhan atau penculikan, kalian hanya mendapatkan kasus yang lucu dan terkadang tak masuk diakal namun tentu saja masih tetap menarik untuk ditelusuri. Untuk mendapatkan kasus yang ingin diselesaikan bisa dengan cara mengunjungi kantor polisi, mencarinya di komputer atau menunggu panggilan sims lainnya.


Menjadi seorang stylist berarti harus mengerti dan memenuhi apa yang diinginkan sims lain yang datang ke salon tempat kita bekerja. Stylist mendapatkan kebebasan untuk merubah mode busana, makeup dan rambut sims lain atau NPC (non-player character) yang sebelumnya tidak bisa dilakukan. Seorang stylist akan bekerja di salon setiap hari selasa hingga sabtu dengan waktu bekerja 8 jam maupun membeli Styling Stage saat di buy mode. Semakin banyak NPC puas dengan hasil yang mereka dapatkan maka akan semakin cepat menaikkan posisi pekerjaan. Tetapi pemain bisa memberikan 'give bad makeover' untuk sedikit memperunik cerita.


Menjadi pemadam kebakaran adalah pekerjaan mulia, menyelamatkan sesama dari kebakaran, memadamkan api yang berkobar agar tidak menjalar dan bahkan menyelamatkan orang lain yang disebabkan oleh sebuah bencana yang baru saja melanda. Seperti itulah sedikit gambaran sims yang berprofesi sebagai Firefighter atau pemadam kebakaran. Pengembang memberikan bencana gempa bumi sebagai tambahan dari hanya sebuah kebakaran kecil yang tentu saja menambah seru pekerjaan yang digeluti seorang firefighter.

Architectural Designer

Menjadi arsitek adalah pekerjaan freelancer pada the sims 3 yang semua hal yang dikerjakannya tergantung pada cerita dalam game yang sedang berlangsung pada saat itu, seperti jika ada NPC yang baru mempunyai bayi memerlukan sebuah kamar untuk bayi mereka atau seorang kutu buku yang menginginkan ruangan membaca pastinya akan memanggil jasa seorang arsitek atau sims kita yang saat itu memilih profesi sebagai penyedia jasa (Architectural Designer). Player diberikan keleluasaan dalam memodif atau menciptakan ruangan baru milik rumah NPC lain layaknya sedang membuat atau merubah rumah sendiri dalam build mode.

Ghost Hunter

Jika pernah menyaksikan film ghostbuster pasti tidaklah kaget bila memilih dan telah melakukan profesi yang sedikit spooky ini. Seperti halnya beberapa profesi lainnya, sebagai ghost hunter adalah pekerjaan freelancer yang terikat oleh waktu tpai biasanya profesi ini berlangsung setiap malam saat dimana para hantu sedang beraksi. Memilih profesi ini tentu saja sims harus memiliki keberanian (brave) tinggi dimana saat klien memerlukan bantuan sims kita untuk memasukan hantu kedalam alat penangkap sims kita sendiri tidak ikut ketakutan. Berprofesi menjadi ghost hunter dapat uang dari mana? jual saja hantu yang barusan didapat ke lab dikota.

Selain penambahan pada profesi yang bisa dijalankan pemain melalui sims nya, the Sims 3: Ambition juga memberikan tambahan lainnya yang tentu saja tidak kalah seru dan unik seperti skill sims, kota yang baru baru (Twinbrook), lifetime reward, bencana alam, sifat sims, kendaraan baru yaitu sebuah motor, perabotan baru seperti mencuci dan menjemur baju dengan alat laundry pribadi dan beberapa macam lainnya atau bahkan cara mati sims yang baru seperti mati karena kejatuhan meteor.

Beberapa skill atau kemampuan yang ditambahkan pada sims di expansions pack yang baru ini mampu memberikan tambahan uang selain uang atau didalam game dikenal dengan nama simoleons yang ditambahkan melalui pekerjaan sims tentunya. Beberapa skill tersebut adalah,
  • Sculpting: skill ini mirip seperti seorang pengrajin dalam dunia nyata, membuat bahan dari es, kayu, tanah liat atau bahkan bahan metal untuk menjadi sebuah patung mirip dengan NPC lain yang sedang berpose didepannya
  • Inventing: skill ini adalah kemampuan sims untuk membuat barang inovasi baru seperti robot dan berbagai barang lainnya yang biasanya ditemukan di junkyard
  • Tattooing: sims yang mempunyai skill ini adalah seniman tato yang bisa membuat, mengubah dan menghapus tatoo pada badan NPC lainnya.

Tentu saja hal-hal yang disebutkan diatas masih belum semuanya mencakup apa yang ada didalam expansion pack terbaru dari game The Sims 3 ini apalagi nantinya pasti pihak EA selaku developer pastinya belum berhenti memberikan tambahan-tambahan yang tentu lebih menarik dan aktraktif lagi melalui konten terbaru yang akan tersedia dan dapat diunduh melalui Sims online store pada waktu yang akan datang.

FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above)
  • Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz or equivalent
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Video card: 128 MB support Pixel Shader 2.0
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Hard drive: 3.5 GB (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) and 1 GB more with custom content and saved games.

FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7
  • Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz or equivalent
  • Memory: 1.5 GB RAM
  • Video card: 128 MB support Pixel Shader 2.0
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Hard drive: 3.5 GB (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) and 1 GB more with custom content and saved games.

For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows,
  • Processor: Pentium D @ 2.6 GHz/Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 GHz or equivalent
  • Memory: 0.5 GB additional RAM
  • Video card: Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above

  • Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Video card: ATI X1600 or NVIDIA 7300 GT with 128 M/Intel Integrated GMA X3100
  • Hard drive: 3.5 GB (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3)and 1 GB more with custom content and saved games.

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